Poke Crew Comes to Englewood with Michelin-Starred Pedigree


Poke Crew, the poke (Hawaiian raw fish salad; Learn More) bowl specific restaurant coming to Englewood, has some interesting tidbits to share.

First off, this is the first restaurant for owners Yong Kim and Titus Wang. They’ve spent their careers in NYC’s fine dining scene, most notably at places like Michlen-starred Annisa (by chef Anita Lo) and Morimoto. Wang has also received numerous accolades like Zagat 30 Under 30 (Read Here) and Eater Young Guns (Read Here), while Yong was featured in The Korea Economic Daily for their section of young chefs on the rise.

They are focusing on the restaurant “experience” and want to bring their fine dining technique and flavor to diners – which includes full fish delivery and breakdown, nothing pre-sliced here. The menu will include 11 or so bowls along with rotating seasonal and monthly items – with a price point from $11-$14. Expect traditional poke choices along with their own twists like Mexican-inspired flavors and others.

While they can’t guarantee an exact opening, they expect to get running sometime between the middle of December to early January.

Poke Crew
1 East Palisade Avenue
Englewood, NJ


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